The Bakery | Logic Gate (Prototype)
Richard Siegal's The Bakery
The Bakery, Richard Siegal, Dance

Logic Gate (Prototype)

Logic Gate (Prototype) is a step in the process to design, and build a total physical expression of digital thinking. It is another possible conclusion derived from choreographic research that began with a game-based duet, If/Then (2005).



Date: 2011

Concept and Design: Richard Siegal

Sound Design: Hubert Machnik


Partners: The Bakery Paris-Berlin in co-production with the Forsythe Company, the Théâtre National de Chaillot, Paris, the Muffathalle, Munich and the Tafelhalle, Nuremberg. Supported by the German Federal Cultural Foundation and the Cultural Department of the State Capital Munich and the Bayerischer Landesverband für zeitgenössischen Tanz (Blzt) with funds provided by the Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts.